After a few hours there, these two guys joined us. One of them was Sebuś, the other's name I don't remember (but I'll gladly change this entry should the name come to light). Sebuś (the guy on the left) was truly an interesting character. Besides his jovial and easy going manner, he held the most superb command of Polish I've ever heard. Everything he said came out in a phrase or an unusual juxtaposition of words.
As the night went on, we tried engaging in a sort of party game where people take turns saying really mean (but funny of course) things to each other. I think at that point in the night we were all a little too tired to think of anything clever.
Finally, around 3:30AM it started getting light. As we were leaving by 5AM it was almost full on day light. Pesky Sun, why does it have to come up earlier in the North? We decided some breakfast would be nice, so started talking down Krakowskie Przedmieście (on of the streets leading to old town). Usually swarming with tourists and college students from the nearby Warsaw University, it was very surreal to see the street empty.
Finally we got to our break fast place - a bar called Bistro open 24 hours. Besides crazy mirrors, the place also has other attractions. For example, the menu is painted on the wall, the clients at that time of day are either looking for breakfast or that last 20th drink, and the bar tender/cook is a riot. Besides divulging many dirty secrets of the food industry, he was telling us that the record time anyone has ever stayed at that bar was 36 hours. Apparently the guy walked in, had a glass of wine, then would pass out an hour, wake up an order another one. After 36 hours of this he finally ran out of money and simply left.
On the way home we walked through Saski park with this giant fountain. After a little cajoling from our side (and some active encouragement for a passerby), Sebuś scaled it's parapets for this one of a kind picture. To top the night off, I couldn't help myself from taking another picture of the Palace of Culture in the morning haze.

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