The Royal Gardens behind the presidential residence. Apparently the park these days is mainly frequented by tourists. I used to live just outside the park until I was four, so I'm not gonna count myself in their ranks. The clay paths you see become riddled with puddles after rains. Apparently when Mom would take me on walks in the park back in the day, my favorite thing to do much to her dismay, was to plop face down in these puddles and then have Mom carry me home dripping with mud.

The Royal Parks are also known for their peacocks. They are practically everywhere. We couldn't get any of them to open their fan, but got to listen to their calls which sound like something between a crying baby and a stepped on cat.

And of course, I couldn't leave the parks without taking a picture of the famous Chopin statue.

Across the street from the park are the offices of the Premier. For the past three days Polish nurses are camped out in front in a national strike. The strike is all over the Polish news, as the Premier is refusing to meet with them. On the other hand the nurses' delegation is refusing to leave the Premier's offices until he meets with them.

And just in case the nurses rowdy...
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